Showing the versatility of a Hero Arts Digital Download

As a design team member for A2Z scrapbooking, I have been using digital downloads each month and this month I chose to use the Poetic Petals digital download from Hero Arts. This pack has four really beautifully sketched flowers, plus some papers and some embellishments. I got to post three times this month and I used the same digital download each time to show the versatility of digital downloads. The first layout I did hybrid style, printing out the flowers at different sizes and colouring them in. I once again used my Chameleon pens and also some pencils. I cut these out and then arranged them around the photo area so it was if the photo is being surrounded by a bouquet of flowers. At this stage the layout was a tad flat and I don't really do flat layouts, I like layers and depth, it is just more interesting. Plus height gives you a bit more room to play with by tucking things underneath. Next up I went completely digital and used the flow...