AltairArt Design Team member and my works so far

Okay, so yes, I am back!  Been away for a few months as I changed my life from being a city chick and becoming a farm chick!!  It has been an amazing ride.  I now live on an 8000 acre cattle property after coming for an interview for a nanny and falling in love with the absolute love of my life.  So, I guess I became a stepmum almost overnight and living on a farm with cattle, driving utes and four wheel drives on many a dirt road and having to drive at least an hour to get groceries.  I love it all, my life is how it was always meant to be and I am more happy than I can possibly describe.  

Finding time to be creative has been most difficult, first of all I had no space, but found a table outside, but then the weather caused all sorts of issues even though it was undercover.  Some more accommodation was added to the house which freed up another large room and then that has become the classroom and my craft room.  So, I finally have some space and in that time I found out that I had been accepted onto the AltairArt design team.  About a month later a beautiful pack of paper turned up and out came the creative materials and by this time, I was very much desperate to get creating.  So, a few layouts have been created thus far and it is most certainly time to share them!

The colours in these papers are so very beautiful, purple, blue and green tonings throughout, gives you lots to work with.  Lots of ephemera is also a part of this paper pack called EverDream and so I did some fussy cutting of various elements and then started the layering and building up process that I love so much.  Ribbons, flowers, wooden flowers and a dreamcatcher that I painted with Viva Gold Inks.  I did add in extra colour to this design to the main background paper, which I stencilled first and then I used Lindy's Magicals on.  I accidentally used orange, but it all worked out in the end.

My next layout is using the same paper collection called EverDream from AltairArt once again.  A large chipboard frame is the main feature, but also the use of the cut out flower panel across the bottom frames the entire design really beautifully.  

The third layout is probably my favourite of all at this point.  I decided to grunge things up a bit and so I picked up a grey piece from the Tears in the Rain Vol. 2 collection, called "Lift me up".  The grey made the perfect background which has helped to lift all the beautiful colours in the design.

To see more of my work and to read a little more about the process, please visit the AltairArt blog


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